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Races of Aelisus
Race Str Int Wis Dex Con Align Vulnerabilities Resistances Immunities Extras
Aquai Underwater natives. Very wise and dextrous. 16 21 24 23 18 Good Lightning Water Can breathe underwater
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Air Autoflight
Demon Lords of Hel, come in various shapes and sizes. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Evil Summon Curse Autoflight
Drow Intelligent, dextrous and sinisterly evil. 18 24 20 24 16 Evil Silver, Mithril Charm Autosneak, Infravision
Half-Drow Half-human, half-drow. Shunned by most for their ancestry. 19 20 21 23 19 Neutral/Evil
Duergar Known as dark dwarves. Evil, less hardy but more dextrous. 21 18 20 21 23 Evil Water Magic Dig
Dwarf Stocky demi-humans that are amazingly hardy. 21 18 21 18 25 Good/Neutral Water Magic
Elf Incredibly intelligent and dextrous, always good. 18 25 20 23 16 Good Iron Charm Autosneak, Infravision
Half-Elf Mix breed of humans and elves. Mixed attributes. 19 21 21 22 19 Good/Neutral Charm
Faerie (Kaddar) Vicious, nasty faeries. Always evil. 15 22 20 24 15 Evil Faerie Fire Faerie Fog Autoflight, 150% trains
Faerie (Ylsae) Tiny, incredibly quick and intelligent. 14 25 20 23 14 Good Faerie Fire Faerie Fog Autoflight, 150% trains
Demi-Giant (Fire) Unbelievably strong, healthy, and always evil. 25 15 15 16 23 Evil Mental, Cold Physical Bonus with Fire Weapons.
Demi-Giant (Hill) Neutral, strong and very healthy, but very dim. 24 16 16 17 24 Neutral Mental Physical Boulder Throw
Demi-Giant (Storm) Somewhat intelligent, very strong and always good. 24 17 17 16 22 Good Mental Physical
Goblin Small and stupid, but incredibly quick and very durable. 19 16 20 24 21 Evil, Neutral Physical
Gnome Incredibly intelligent and wise, but weak physical attributes. 18 23 25 18 18 Neutral Can gain 103 proficiency in all skills.
Halfling Small, wise, and incredibly dextrous. 17 17 21 25 20 Good, Neutral Magic Bonus damage with swords and daggers.
Human Standard race, average attributes. 20 20 20 20 20 Any Gains +1 to primary classes attribute
Illithid Powerful telepathic subterranean creatures, always evil. 17 25 23 18 17 Evil Light Lightning Shock, Cone of Force, Leech
Minotaur Large, strong, bull-like creatures, always neutral 23 17 18 17 22 Neutral Special Berserker/Warrior Charge
Ogre Large, strong and healthy, with huge regenerative powers. 24 19 15 18 24 Any Magic Bonus damage with all weapons, Regeneration bonus
Panthera Humanoid cat-like people, extremely dextrous 20 18 21 23 20 Good, Neutral Fire Mini-haste, Fury, Sense Motion
Slith Sentient reptilians, very dextrous with prehensile tails. 20 17 18 22 21 Any Tail attacks and trips, Double eyelids, Spew, Swallow
Undead Corrupted corpses of Halla, blessed with undeath 22 18 19 20 23 Evil Holy Cold, Disease Poison Immune to a variety of ailments to the living.
Vampire Blessed generals of Halla ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Evil Holy, Light Cold, Disease Poison Immune to a variety of ailments to the living.