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Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Alignments Size Vulnerabilities Resistances Immunities Extra
21 18 21 18 25 Good, Neutral Medium Drowning Magic

Available Classes:


These are available upon creation.

Assassin, Bard, Berserker, Blademaster, Cleric, Druid, Healer, Monk, Ranger, Thief, Warrior

Not Recommended:

These are not available upon creation, but can be converted to at any guildmaster by using the Guild command.

Battlemage, Invoker

Not Available:

These are not valid guilds, due to alignment restrictions.

Dark-Knight, Necromancer, Shaman


the Dwarves have a storied history deeply rooted in the mountains. For ages, they toiled beneath the tumultuous peaks of Winter, their skilled hands extracting precious stones and metals from the unforgiving depths.

However, the call for a more tranquil and hospitable life led them on a southward migration. They eventually found solace beneath the colossal Shield Mountain, central to the natives of the region. In honor of their newfound sanctuary, they christened it "Shield Mountain" and established the grand city of Larvik beneath its protective embrace.

With Larvik as their stronghold, the Dwarves forged a harmonious existence with the natives of the land, combining their craftsmanship with the native wisdom. Together, they thrived in the heart of Aelisus, creating a lasting legacy that celebrates the union of resilience and cooperation.

Usual Height:

Dwarves rarely grow to be much more than four and a half feet tall, with most averaging around four feet in height. A five-foot tall dwarf would be considered an incredibly rare freak of nature. Dwarves are however, incredibly dense, muscular, and stocky; despite being so much shorter than humans, only the smallest of dwarves might be outweighed by the largest of humans.




All dwarves deeply revere the Forefathers who first made them, and are known to swear oaths by the Forefathers, but do not worship them in the sense that they leave offerings or pray for aid. Similarly, although dwarves do have temples and priests dedicated to all non-evil deities, they remain, as a whole, a deeply pragmatic, self-reliant, and down-to-earth race. Kneeling and begging for intercession from the Gods is a sign of weakness and laziness; a proper dwarf is expected to make his own way in the world, with the aid of his kin and clan. As a whole, dwarves are quite close to being an entire race of agnostics; accepting the existence of deities and holding respect for them, but rarely allowing themselves to become reliant on them.

The dwarves do, however, venerate their ancestors, to the point where other, non-dwarven races might consider the veneration to be a form of worship. They set up elaborate ancestral memorial tablets for their deceased ancestors, to whom on ceremonial occasions they will pour heavy libations of liquor. Dwarves believe that the stone-souls of dead dwarves return to the Stone from which they were forged, but that these souls can return and bring the strength and determination of the Stone to their descendants. Consequently, dwarves may 'pray' for strength from their ancestors. This does not clash with the fierce ndependence and self-reliance which the dwarves are known for; in their eyes, it is nothing more than asking an old family member for some help, and there is no shame in accepting assistance from kin or clan.

Physical Features:

Dwarves are humanoid in shape, and look nothing more than like short, incredibly muscular, bearded humans. Pound for pound, there are few things in the world stronger and hardier than dwarves. Their stocky, compact musculature does also mean, however, that they are not very nimble on their feet. Dwarves grow exceptionally long beards which they are incredibly proud of. The length of the beard denotes the dwarf's age, and the way in which it is arranged signifies the dwarf's rank. There is no deadlier insult than pulling on a dwarf's beard, and no greater shame than having one's beard shaved off. Female dwarves are bearded as well, and indeed, many non-dwarves find it difficult to differentiate from the two genders.

Dwarves are highly resistant to all forms of magic. This is speculated to be due to the fact that the dwarves have an innate connection with the earth and the stone of the world itself, due to the nature of their creation, which provides them with some degree of protection. Their incredibly robust constitution also provides them with incredible resistance to poison. This is also the reason why dwarves have such an amazing tolerance for alcohol.

Long ages spent underground have resulted in dwarven sight becoming so sensitive as to be able to perceive the infrared spectrum. Dwarves do have a tremendous aversion towards large bodies of water, which are not present in their native terrain. Consequently, dwarves are not skilled at fighting on boats or in water, and when they are forced to, do not perform as well as they normally might. In addition, they are more vulnerable than most to water-based attacks, be it magical water-based weapons or the spells of invokers.

Dwarves also often have infamously bad tempers, and fall more easily into berserk fury than most.


Dwarven society in Aelisus is a testament to their unwavering resilience and industrious nature. Renowned as skilled blacksmiths and miners, Dwarves find joy in crafting intricate works of art from precious metals and gems. A good ale is their constant companion, and they're known to enjoy it at any hour, savoring its hearty flavor.

Despite their gruff exterior, Dwarves possess a vibrant sense of humor, often indulging in boisterous laughter that resonates through their halls. However, their quick irritability creates an intriguing contrast, making interactions with them an exercise in diplomacy.

Remarkably, Dwarves see work as a form of entertainment. They can labor tirelessly for entire days, relishing every moment of it. This unique perspective has not only made them master craftsmen but also a people who find joy in the satisfaction of a job well done, forging a society that stands as a shining example of both hard work and hearty camaraderie.

Relationships with Other Races:

On the whole, the isolationist dwarves, buried deep away within their underground palaces, have few contacts with the outside world. Although they are fond of halflings, whom they see as soft, harmless cousins, they consequently have few relations, be it positive or negative, with most races. As the whole, the dwarven kingdom does not feel strongly for or against most races. The three exceptions to this rule are enumerated below.

The testy relationship between elves and dwarves is well known. Although both are generally considered goodly, long-lived races, the two are simply diametrically opposed in terms of culture and mindset. Where dwarves love caverns and stone, elves love the outdoors and the sun. Where dwarves value precious gems and minerals, elves treasure plant life and natural beauty. Where dwarves value stability, elves delight in flexibility. And where dwarves are deeply pragmatic and self-reliant, elves are often deeply spiritual and rely heavily on their grasp of magic. While these differences seldom result in outright war or violence, the mutual disdain the two races share for each other is palpable.