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Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Alignments Size Vulnerabilities Resistances Immunities Extra
19 16 20 24 21 Evil, Neutral Small Physical

Available Classes:


These are available upon creation.

Assassin, Bard, Blademaster, Cleric, Dark-Knight, Druid, Monk, Necromancer, Ranger, Shaman, Thief, Warrior

Not Recommended:

These are not available upon creation, but can be converted to at any guildmaster by using the Guild command.

Battlemage, Berserker, Invoker

Not Available:

These are not valid guilds, due to alignment restrictions.

Healer, Paladin


Goblins, a ubiquitous presence in Aelisus, trace their history back to ancient times. They've thrived in diverse environments, from dense forests to open plains. These small, cunning creatures are known for their adaptability. One notable chapter in goblin history centers around Snotbury, a reclaimed human hamlet in the Atheln countryside. Here, goblins found a sense of unity and established a sizable community, blending their resourcefulness with the hamlet's remains. Snotbury no longer resembles anything from its once-civilized state and is now heaps of scrapmetal and rubbish, molded to properly provide goblins with homes.

Usual Height:

Very short, never larger than 3-4 feet.




Goblins overwhelmingly worship Wendr, though dependent on the goblins tendencies toward neutrality or evil, they perceive and depict the deity different. Neutral goblins describe Wendr as a filthy greenish goblin much like them, while evil goblins are convinced Wendr is a red scaly beast with an unending thirst for blood and decapitated heads.

Physical Features:

Goblins are diminutive beings in Aelisus, standing at a height akin to halflings. Their skin exhibits a greenish or yellowish hue, a result of their constant exposure to the wilds. Notorious for their abysmal hygiene, goblins often carry an unpleasant odor. These creatures possess small but sharp claws and teeth, reflecting their nasty disposition. Their tenacious nature grants them remarkable resistance to physical damage, making them formidable adversaries when backed into a corner.


Goblin society in is marked by a complex interplay of cooperation and discord. These creatures tend to gather in significant numbers, forming communities where they pool their collective cunning and resourcefulness. However, their tendency to squabble and argue incessantly is equally characteristic of their culture, leading to internal conflicts. Most goblins lean toward malevolent inclinations, often engaging in nefarious deeds. However, there are exceptions, as some goblins choose a milder path of neutrality, eschewing the more extreme aspects of their society. Goblins who pursue intellectual paths and diverge from the norm by seeking knowledge are often derided and potentially outcast by their peers.

Relationships with Other Races:

Goblins see almost all other races as potential targets for thieving or chicanery. They especially love to antagonize halflings, as the only other race remotely similar in size. Goblins will work with others if they are intimidated into submission, otherwise they are typically assessing how to get the most selfish benefit out of every interaction.