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Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Alignments Size Vulnerabilities Resistances Immunities Extra
19 21 21 22 19 Good, Neutral Medium Charm

Available Classes:


These are available upon creation.

Assassin, Bard, Battlemage, Blademaster, Cleric, Druid, Healer, Invoker, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Thief, Warrior

Not Recommended:

These are not available upon creation, but can be converted to at any guildmaster by using the Guild command.


Not Available:

These are not valid guilds, due to alignment restrictions.

Dark-Knight, Necromancer, Shaman


Known by many names, some more offensive than others, those beings created by the marriage of human and elven genetics are most commonly known by the simple term, "half-elves." The product of interracial love, these individuals tend to bear many striking similarities to both races, inheriting many of the best, and perhaps most distinguishable traits of either species.

Whether these individuals appear more like their elven or human kin is largely dependent on random genetics, though it has been said that those born from human fathers are likely to have greater fortitude, while if they are born to elven fathers, they are likely to be leaner and more graceful. Overall though, there is no proven method of determining how similar a half-elf is going to be to its forebears.

Often referred to as half-breeds and other demeaning slurs, most half-elves are brought up by their human parents, as the vast majority of pure elves see them as abominations. However, despite any misgivings about their conception, the elves grudgingly grant their half-human kindred solace in their religious sects and guilds, and acknowledge that despite their mixed blood, half-elves often are some of the most dedicated to both their crafts and ideals.

Usual Height:

Between elves and humans; approximately 5 - 6.5ft


Any major city, Half-elves are usually wanderers with no true home.


Half-elves, like those of their ancestors that are humans, often find themselves too diverse to associate with one particular religion. Because half-elves do not, as a race, subscribe to any one particular belief or tenet, and merely seek acceptance (especially early on in their lives), they tend to wander to whichever group will take them in.

Physical Features:

One of the more remarkable traits of the half-elf is that their blood often yields some of the best traits of each race, regardless of what is created physically. They have inherited a sense of curiosity and creativity from their human ancestors, and a love of nature and appeal for the aesthetics from their elven blood. They are more dextrous and intelligent than most humans, but are also sturdier and more physically stable than most elves. Half-elves also have retained the ability to see unaided in the dark and are most resistant to the affect of charm. Due to their curiosity, half-elves are also quick to learn the skills of their trade and have developed the ability to pickpocket civilians to make ends meet.


Because of their random and scattered inception, half-elves tend to lack a strong sense of community. They associate with each other, and often show great hospitality to those that share similar history with them; however, they simply are not prominent enough to have established their own separate society. Instead, they simply do their best to fit into whatever lives they can make for themselves.

Relationships with Other Races:

Half-elves, again, have little to no real society for themselves. In the case of a half-elf that is nigh indistinguishable from either a human or a pure elf, they may be treated accordingly by the other races. But, for the most part, their presence in the world is what they make of it.