
From Aelisus : Asunder Multi User Dungeon
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Rangers are the men and women who dedicated their life to study of the land outside the cities. They are often trackers and hunters who offer their skills to those who are less skilled in outdoor environments leading exploring parties deep into wilds of the land. Rangers are exceptionally survivable, with a host of abilities that aid in their longevity such as being able to cure wounds with herbs and butcher steaks for hearty meals. Capable of blending in with their surroundings and moving silently through forest, they have also been known to call forest creatures to their aid. As they rise in ranks, rangers are capable of focusing on a particular path in their skills learning unique ability to excel in ranged combat, tracking, or beast mastery. Later in their career they may specialize in weapon expertise of two different types of weapons.

Available Classes:


These are available upon creation.

Aquai, Avian, Demi-Giant (Fire), Demi-Giant (Hill), Demi-Giant (Storm), Demon, Drow, Half-Drow, Duergar, Dwarf, Elf, Half-Elf, x Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Human, Minotaur, Panthera, Ogre, Slith, Undead

Not Recommended:

These are not available upon creation, but can be converted to at any guildmaster by using the Guild command.

Faerie (Ylsae), Faerie (Kaddar), Illithid

Not Available:

These are not valid guilds, due to alignment restrictions.

Level Skills Spells