
From Aelisus : Asunder Multi User Dungeon
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Races of Aelisus
Race Str Int Wis Dex Con Align Vuln/Resist/Immune Extras
Aquai Underwater natives. Very wise and dextrous. 16 21 24 23 18 Good Vuln: Lightning Immune: Drowning Can breathe underwater
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Demon Lords of Hel, come in various shapes and sizes. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Evil Vuln: Summon Immune: Curse Autoflight
Drow Intelligent, dextrous and sinisterly evi.l 18 24 20 24 16 Evil Vuln: Silver, Mithril Resist: Charm Autosneak, Infravision
Half-Drow Half-human, half-drow. Shunned by most for their ancestry. 19 20 21 23 19 Neutral/Evil
Duergar Known as dark dwarves. Evil, less hardy but more dextrous. 21 18 20 21 23 Evil Vuln: Drowning Resist: Magic Dig
Dwarf Stocky demi-humans that are amazingly hardy. 21 18 21 18 25 Good/Neutral Vuln: Drowning Resist: Magic
Elf Incredibly intelligent and dextrous, always good. 18 25 20 23 16 Good Vuln: Iron Resist: Charm Autosneak, Infravision
Half-Elf Mix breed of humans and elves. Mixed attributes. 19 21 21 22 19 Good/Neutral Resist: Charm
Faerie (Kaddar) Vicious, nasty faeries. Always evil. 15 22 20 24 15 Evil Immune: Faerie Fire/Fog Autoflight, 150% trains
Faerie (Ylsae) Tiny, incredibly quick and intelligent. 14 25 20 23 14 Good Immune: Faerie Fire/Fog Autoflight, 150% trains
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight
Avian Bird-like humanoids that fly, very dexterous. 19 21 21 23 19 Any Vuln: Air Autoflight