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The Occult subcabal of Void attracts many diverse types with a passion for the destabilization of physics and an interest in the endless void. Practiced Voidmancers can manipulate their void weapons effectively and have been seen wielding the forces of discord to their advantage. Masters of the void are even able to call a Nemesis or bind torments to their will, granting them highly effective melee abilities. Voidmancers are often seen as less stable than their Chronomancer brethren, discovering ways to travel through portals of the endless void. Sometimes, they never return. Those that do typically suffer from delusions or a thirst for more and more power. Void works tentatively with Chron to maintain their grasp on the world. While Voidmancers are not inherently good or evil, they are often significantly more fanatical about their beliefs, often forcing them upon those around them. They often prioritize themselves over their Chronomancer allies and tolerate them with good humor as long they are not challenged directly. Void is willing to be seen as equal to Chron as long as the outside world respects the tower.

See also: Occult, Chron


The following powers are available to Void:  :


Shroud of Discord, Serpent Call, Conjuration, Spawn Blade


Simulacra, Call Void, Maze, Eye of Moloch


Mold Chaos, Torment Bind, Nemesis


Void Tear