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The Occult is a mystical and eclectic organization fueled by the innovation and advancement of magical and bizarre technologies. The Occult was established by Devortrix when it drew the tower from the ground as a show of strength against Sidr's cities. It was the chaos of the void and instability of the timestream that intrigued Devortrix. Occultists focus on the manipulation of time and application of void rifts in every situation. Members of the Occult are often erratic and disagree with each other, but this only causes the strongest to rise to the top of this esoteric cabal. The Occult has no love for the Empire but does not mind them when they are not under the heel of the law. The Empire has often overstepped in the past, causing Voidmancers and even Chronomancers to become violent to show steadfast dedication to their cause. The Sacari have often found qualms with the Occult as an affront to their beliefs. Still, the Occultists only take issue when the Sacari get in their way.


The following powers are available to Occult:


Outfit, Chaos Blade, Town Gate


Forge font, Void tear


Chron, Void

Allowed Races:


Allowed Classes:
