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The Society is a group of citizens from Atheln and Caelwyn that have risen above the rest. It is an exclusive group that is not openly spoken of. The members of the Society gather together in their grand estate to discuss matters of politics and adventure. There is no vertical hierarchy, but those who rise through the ranks become more influential members of their cities' governance. Promotion is expensive in renown and gold and isn't gated by time. Skills are strictly RP and adventure-based, though there are elements of subterfuge involved in the oversight of citizens and the control that allows. With the fall of the White King of Atheln, and the Crimson Enclave of Caelwyn, a power vacuum amongst the nobility of the cities took place. Those that remained slowly became trusted enough by the expanding Empire to handle the minutia of city infrastructure and laws. So long as they abide by the structure set forth by the Empire, their power to address the day-to-day needs of their home cities will remain. There are also those of the Society that quietly discuss overthrowing the Empire entirely.