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       LEGEND: (&) You are here (X) Area exit
               (*) Room         (-) Room link     (|) Room link
               (+) Open Door    (+) Closed Door   (+) Locked Door
               (^) Up exit      (V) Down exit     (:) Up/down exit
               (B) Bank         (J) Jeweler       (F) Forge
               (M) Marketplace  (C) Cook          (Z) Pet Shop
               (P) Potions      (A) Armorer       (W) Weaponsmith
               (G) General Shop (L) Life Shrine   (A) Society
               (H) Herb Dealer
       Levels: (1)-(1)
                                            Trade Road
                            [*]-[*]     [*]-[*] [*] [*]-[v]     [*]-[*]                
                                 |           |   |   |           |                     
                    [*] [*] [^]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[^]                
                     |   |   |       |       |   |   |       |       |                 
                    [*]-[*] [*] [*]-[*] [*]-[*] [*] [*]-[*] [*]-[*] [*]                
                     |   |   |                   |                   |                 
                         |   |                   |       |           |                 
                    [*]-[*] [*]             [*]-[*]-[*] [*] [H]-[*]-[*]                
                             |                   |           |       |                 
                            [*]     [F] [J] [B] [*] [P] [*] [*]-[*] [*]                
                             |       |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |                 
       Countryside -[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[^]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[^]-[*]-[X]-   The Crossroads    
                             |       |   |   |   |   |   |   |       |                 
                            [*]     [Z] [C] [M] [*] [G] [A] [W]     [*]                
                             |   +               |                   |   +             
                            [*] [A]-[*]-[*] [*]-[*]-[*]    +[^]-[*] [*]-[L] [*]-[*] [*]
                             |       |           |           |   |   |       |   |   | 
                            [*]     [*]-[*]     [*]         [*]-[*] [*]-[*]-[*]-[*]-[*]
                             |           |       |           |       |       |   |     
                            [*]     [v] [*]     [*]         [*]     [*]     [*]-[*]    
                             |       |   |       |           |       |                 
                                                 |       |                             
                                                [*]     [*]                            
                                                 |       |                             
                                                [X]     [*]-[*]-[X]                    
                                                 |               |                     
                                      The Breathing Wood        Regal Bay

       Sketching out the area, you determine Atheln is a town.
       You also take note of the nearby areas:
      -+ Regal Bay is nearby.
      -+ Temple of Life is nearby.
      -+ The Society Retreat is a level 10 gearing area.
      -+ The Breathing Wood is a level 5-23 good ranking area and a level 12 gearing area.
      -+ Trade Road is nearby.
      -+ Countryside is nearby.
      -+ The Crossroads is nearby.


Sold By


     [Lv Price Coin Qty] Item
     [25   175  GO  -- ] A faded jade stone
     [25   175  GO  -- ] a bronze clasp
     [25   175  GO  -- ] a ruby ring


     [Lv Price Coin Qty] Item
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a two-handed rusty mace
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a wooden great-sword
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a two-handed boar spear
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a two-handed wood-axe
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a ratty whip
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a dull-sword
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a wooden hunting spear
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a battered quarterstaff
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a poleaxe
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a wooden club
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a grain-flail
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a switchblade
     [10    75  GO  -- ] a rusty hatchet


     [Lv Price Coin Qty] Item
     [15   120  GO  -- ] a pair of athelnian boots
     [15   120  GO  -- ] a pair of atheln shinguards
     [15   120  GO  -- ] an atheln girdle
     [15   120  GO  -- ] an atheln cloak
     [15   120  GO  -- ] an atheln faceplate
     [15   120  GO  -- ] a tarnished atheln cuirass
     [15   105  GO  -- ] some atheln cuffs
     [15   105  GO  -- ] an atheln neckguard
     [15   105  GO  -- ] an atheln ring

Held By

The Captain of the Guard:

      a large broadsword