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The Occult subcabal of Chron boasts powerful Chronomancers who study the effects of time and space. Able to utilize abilities that affect the mind, Chronomancers have been seen aging their enemies far past their prime and protecting themselves with powerful warding techniques. Only masters would eventually learn the secrets of the Ocularis Arcanum or raising a Temporal Storm. When they are not protecting their tower from enemies who seek to steal their secrets, members of Chron study ways to further manipulate the timestream. Any effort to advance their mystical pursuits of temporal divination and travel will be documented within the tower and saved to compound future research. Chron works with its counterpart Void to bring the Occult to significance in the word. However, they often disagree on how to do this. While the Chronomancers believe the timestream holds the answers to their problems, Voidmancers conflict with them by prioritizing resources to research powerful void magic. This has historically caused individuals with powerful influences to come to blows. Still, no such disagreements have torn apart the Occult. After all, they are closer in nature with the void than anything among the Sacari or the Empire.

See also: Occult, Voidmancer



Paradox, Chrono Shield, Reverse Time, Vortex Tap


Ripple, Age, Temporal Avenger, Ward


Ocularis Arcanum, Temporal Storm, Chronobeam


Void Tear