
From Aelisus : Asunder Multi User Dungeon
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Strength Intelligence Wisdom Dexterity Constitution Alignments Size Vulnerabilities Resistances Immunities Extra
?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Evil Medium Holy, Light Mental, Ice, Disease Immune to a variety of ailments to the living.

Available Classes:

Vampire is a class, as well as a race.


Usual Height:

Similar to their human precursors, roughly 5-7 feet.


No known hometown, though rumors talk of covens in the Caelwyn Sewers and the Underdark.


Physical Features:

Vampires share the same physical features as their Undead subordinates, however instead of draining life through groping, they drink blood where they can find it, or drain corpses of their blood and soul. Eating and drinking regular food will provide no sustenance at all. Due to their lack of bodily function, Undead do not suffer from many ailments of the living. They are immune to poison and dysentery, are resistant to plague, take reduced damage from icy or cold attacks, and resist all mental attacks, as their minds are already nearly empty.


Relationships with Other Races: