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Unlike the directly confrontational combat style of warriors or berserkers, the Assassin focuses on defeating their enemies through stealth, surprise and debilitation. They specialize in use of poisons and dusts to blind and weaken their enemies, while using their skills to further hamper and disable them. The guild emphasizes stealth and agility, allowing their members to move unseen, and easily vanish from combat or danger in a puff of smoke or create deadly decoys of themselves.

Late in their career they are capable of specializing in one of three assassin paths, categorized as stealth, combat, or toxins. Close to the pinnacle of their guild they become capable of tracking and studying their victims every move, in order to remember their weaknesses and strike from shadows to assassinate with a single blow.

Note: You must roll as a Rogue and join the assassin's guild at your 20th rank by inquiring in Caelwyn, using the "guild" command.

Level Skills Spells