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Necromancers are corrupted mages, swayed by the forces of death to bring
about living corpses. Many find macabre joy in feeding bodyparts of the
fallen to their twisted abominations, while others prefer raising an army to
conquer the weak. Through their studies, they learn to augment different
minor powers, making each Necromancer unique. Every Necromancer finds a
passion through different dark means. Some raise corpses while others shatter
bones, but what they all have in common is the means to deliver more souls
into the realm of death.

Revision as of 02:24, 1 October 2023

Necromancers are corrupted mages, swayed by the forces of death to bring about living corpses. Many find macabre joy in feeding bodyparts of the fallen to their twisted abominations, while others prefer raising an army to conquer the weak. Through their studies, they learn to augment different minor powers, making each Necromancer unique. Every Necromancer finds a passion through different dark means. Some raise corpses while others shatter bones, but what they all have in common is the means to deliver more souls into the realm of death.