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When Sidr and Devortrix came to Aelisus with their endless war of Chaos and
Order, Devortrix began to draw power from all life in the land. While some
were protected by Sidr's absolute order and other by Navith's embrace, many
fell between the cracks in a cataclysmic event called The Withering. Halla
seized the dwindling lifeforces of the sick and the weak, drawing them into a
twisted form of death that reanimated their bodies into shambling corpses,
held together by her will. Those strong enough to fight this event were still
offered a chance at eternal existence outside of life, many of which jumped
at the opportunity for power and immortality. Being saved, most of these
corpses followed Halla, but due to the very nature of their creation, they
may yet worship the God of Chaos, as all exist through its dark magic. If
Devortrix is the father of Undead, then Halla would undoubtedly be its
NOTE: The undead, unlike mortal races, do not sustain themselves on food an
water. Eating and drinking will provide no sustenance for the unliving at
all. Instead they must feed by draining the lifeforce of any living target.
See also: [[Lifedrain]], [[Races]], [[Combos]]

Revision as of 15:01, 12 September 2023

When Sidr and Devortrix came to Aelisus with their endless war of Chaos and Order, Devortrix began to draw power from all life in the land. While some were protected by Sidr's absolute order and other by Navith's embrace, many fell between the cracks in a cataclysmic event called The Withering. Halla seized the dwindling lifeforces of the sick and the weak, drawing them into a twisted form of death that reanimated their bodies into shambling corpses, held together by her will. Those strong enough to fight this event were still offered a chance at eternal existence outside of life, many of which jumped at the opportunity for power and immortality. Being saved, most of these corpses followed Halla, but due to the very nature of their creation, they may yet worship the God of Chaos, as all exist through its dark magic. If Devortrix is the father of Undead, then Halla would undoubtedly be its mother.

NOTE: The undead, unlike mortal races, do not sustain themselves on food an water. Eating and drinking will provide no sustenance for the unliving at all. Instead they must feed by draining the lifeforce of any living target.

See also: Lifedrain, Races, Combos