
From Aelisus : Asunder Multi User Dungeon
Revision as of 05:21, 1 October 2023 by Devortrix (talk | contribs)
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Lvl Skills Spells
1 flail mace armor cause light
whip butcher
staff forage
prune fishing
2 cure serious comprehend languages
3 create water
4 continual light
5 create food
6 meditation detect magic giant strength
7 dodge bless faerie fire
8 cause serious detect invis
9 cure critical know alignment
10 hand to hand holy hands
11 protection
12 kick fast healing summon
13 second attack cure disease
14 cure poison unbind item
15 trance dispel good earthquake
locate object
16 calm
18 haggle protective shield
20 religious conversion frenzy sanctuary
21 shield block faerie fog
22 steel wall
23 infravision
24 dispel magic
25 shield
26 cancellation
30 enhanced damage curse path of deceit (evil)
ray of truth (good)
32 two handed bless arms
35 stone skin
37 spell turning
42 minister (evil) portal (good)
45 isolate
50 divine intervention